March 1 2008           EVENT                     PLACE                                      Salud Chile                 O’douls Restau rant. Vancouver B.C. Part of The Vancouver Playhouse Annual Wine Festival A parking spot right in front of the restaurant welcomed us to this much anticipated food event. The last time we had attended this celebration was 4 or 5 years ago at this…

Monk Mcqueens Restaurant

Monk McQueens your wine event sure stunk it seemsMaking profit per head trumped making new customers insteadOf wowing us with a succulent oyster bar you dished out crackersAnd meagre portions subpar. Good-bye Baby Good-bye The best part of your service was when a server offered toGive our custom plates a wipe.We agreed but it was…

No Mo / Trader Jo

I walked into a frenzy of greedy shopping carts darting around looking for Trader Joes goodies. Everyone looking for the good life, pursuing the California dream of excessive consumption. The booze isles were especially crowded with large people and stuffed shopping carts blocking the aisles to all the wannabe Trader Joes Aficionados. It all seemed…